Message: “Choosing the Royal Law” from Lance Bourgeois
A message from the series “Light in Troubled Times.” James 2:1-13
A message from the series “Light in Troubled Times.” James 2:1-13
A message from the series “Light in Troubled Times.” James 1:19-27
A message from the series “Light in Troubled Times.” James 1:13-18
A message from the series “Light in Troubled Times.” James 1:1–12
A message from the series “Dreams, Detours, & Destiny: The Unexpected Journey of Joseph.” Lance concludes our Summer 2019 Sunday morning study of the life of Joseph from the book of Genesis.
A message from the series “Dreams, Detours, & Destiny: The Unexpected Journey of Joseph.” Guest speaker Dr. Ron Allen provides an additional layer of insight and context to our study of Joseph. Ron is Senior Professor of Bible Exposition at Dallas Theological Seminary and an avid cyclist who has been with us on HH100 weekend for many years.
A message from the series “Dreams, Detours, & Destiny: The Unexpected Journey of Joseph.” Jacob and Joseph are reunited, and we see a picture of God’s grace.
A message from the series “Dreams, Detours, & Destiny: The Unexpected Journey of Joseph.” This week Joseph reveals his true identity to his shocked brothers.
A message from the series “Dreams, Detours, & Destiny: The Unexpected Journey of Joseph.” Joseph sets a trap for his brothers to reveal their hearts, and we learn the devastating effects unconfessed sin can have in our lives.
A message from the series “Dreams, Detours, & Destiny: The Unexpected Journey of Joseph.” After Israel reluctantly allows the brothers to return to Egypt with Benjamin, Joseph has a feast prepared where they are all reunited.